About the artist
​​Megan Misako Darrough is a freelance Artist and Illustrator who resides in San Diego, California. She works in both traditional and digital mediums: Adobe Photoshop, Procreate, charcoals & ink, oil and acrylic painting, as well as polymer clay for sculpting props and doll making.
During Halloween season she works as a haunted house scare actor and does SFX makeup for monsters and zombies at her father's company:
Dead Time Dreams® Haunted Attractions.
She holds a BFA from the California College of the Arts in San Francisco.
She likes green tea ice cream, and dressing up like zombies.
Artist Statement
My work focuses on things that are strange and unique, a tad dark, full of mysteries that itches at the mind to find out more. It's maddening to not find the answers you're dying to know. Curiosity killed the cat, and satisfaction brought the beast back.
What do I want to say through my work?
Celebrate duality, dichotomy. Enjoy all the wide spectrums of everything and nothing, and all the things in between.
Dichotomy allows us to question and re-examine things we take for granted. A dualistic approach widens the expanse of possibilities for future actions. I love things that are beautiful with an unexpected twist. An obvious glitch in the eye, that the logical mind refuses to accept. When this happens, our creative eye opens it's lid to help us fill in new blanks.
A skeleton fish drinking water from it's fish bowl. A celebrated artist's skin and flesh morphing into a cocked gun, ready to aim a bullet at god. a lady in the sky with dancing lover birds caged inside her in romantic bliss.
One image will awaken something in you while another may not.
My work is designed to make people wonder, and ponder. Let the mind flow with stories they awakened themselves. These are images created to serve as windows into the mind's imaginations. It's a job well done when people come to me and begin a sentence with "What I imagined when I saw this piece was…"
I like my work to ask of something. The questions we need to ask ourselves the most are often hiding in the last place we would think to look: Our fear. What if we could look fear in the eye, without rejecting or running from it? What if fear came to our eyes in the form of a pleasing artifact, a pleasant painting gently coaxing us to shift our gaze to an unpleasantness that has it's purpose and reason for being there.
Every symbol has inconceivable amounts of connotations. We cannot find the answers for other's, for that is their personal prerogative. Instead we ask the right questions, so people can come to find the answers they need through their own means. The infusing of so called beauty and ugly allows us to shake black and white perceptions. We can connote beauty with something we only perceived negatively before.
The ability to ask and answer hard questions make us stronger in mind and spirit, and more empathetic towards the struggles of other's.
I wish for my work to evoke conversations about archetypes, symbolisms, and the celebration of different perspectives and opinions. Without differences, we would have nothing to learn and expand from. My work is my way of connecting with other's, as well as connecting them to themselves and others. Art is the universal language that goes beyond words and knocks on the door of imaginative minds.
I hope we can cross paths and expand each other's minds sometime, over a nice cup of tea perhaps.
Best, Meg x